Customers are looking for you online, Will they find you, or your competitor?
Once reserved for the high-tech computer crowd, Now, E-mail and Web Sites are as essential to any business as Fax Machines & Yellow Pages
- Why Should You be on The Internet?
- 48% of all North American homes have computers
- Nearly 110 million people are on the Internet
- Each month the Internet population grows by 15%
Internet user profile
- 45% are professionals
- 22% are graduate students
- 14% are undergraduate students
- 92% use for personal use
- 67% use for business
Top Ten Reasons to Have a Web Site
1. Increase Market Exposure
Establishing a presence on the World Wide Web exposes your business to a larger consumer market. With a Web Site, your business can tap into larger markets for no more expense.
2. Competition
The competition is already online and they are attracting your potential clients. A business with a well crafted and promoted Web Site can compete more equally with firms of all sizes and various advertising budgets.
3. Cost Effectiveness
Web marketing is, by far, less expensive than traditional advertising mediums. You can alter or add information on a Web Site almost immediately, and do not have to wait until the following year or the next months' issue to make changes to your ad. A Web Site can save you money in numerous areas such as printing documents, press releases, brochures, catalogs and faxes. Your company's paper consumption will decrease and you can spend more money on the more important things. You'll also save money on communications costs such as faxing documents or long distance phone calling since the communication can be done within your Web Site.
4. Corporate Image
Simply including your web address in your current advertising, on your business cards and brochures and other communications can help boost your corporate image. People will see that you are on top of things in today's business world and will take a look at your site when given the opportunity.
5. Measurable Results
Through tracking your web site visitor information, you can collect valuable customer data such as determining how and why your visitors found you and determine which advertising approaches are working for you. You can apply this proven information to your other forms of media advertising with less risk and a higher rate of success.
6. Credibility
In the information age, "The Net" is the fastest growing sector. Having a Web Site is more a matter of "when" than "if." Having a World Wide Web Presence lends the necessary credibility to any business doing commerce in the nineties and into the next millennium. A Web Site is becoming as increasingly necessary as the Fax Machine and Business Phone.
7. Immediate Information
Even when your office is closed, your site is "OPEN." Information can be available 24 hours a day, to your potential clients. If they can get the information from you, when they want it, their search was a success. People want information as quickly as possible. By providing them with it immediately, you will satisfy a need and position yourself as the expert in your given field.
8. Generate Sales
The ultimate function of any business is to generate sales. The purpose of marketing in any form is to generate interest, draw a response, and to ultimately make a sale. The Internet is a proven method of doing just that. Products and services can be located, researched and contracted or purchased directly online. In today's time conscious society, the faster a need can be satisfied, the better chance your business has of receiving the sale. The World Wide Web, puts your company in front of those customers that are in search of your exact product or service when they are ready to buy.
9. Interactive
Potential clients can find and request information on your Web Site and get answers in a timely manner related to their specific needs. A simple fill in form can address the most common concerns of your visitors as well as provide a paperless message outlining their specific need.
10. Networking Opportunities
With a Web Presence, you can expose your business to other business professionals related to your field to create new business relationships. With this networking opportunity, you can be exposed to new ideas for your business.