Research, research and more research


So what do you do once you have your great idea? Many people are in such a rush to get started that they dont stop to think. Are there others already doing this or who have tried? If so what can you do better then those companies? If no one is doing it now but its been tried in the past how can you do it better to succeed? If you cant answer these questions now how will you answer them later after youve invested your time and money. Its important to find out as much as you can now while its still easy to back out. The farther you get down the path to implementing your idea and the more money you have put into it the less likely you will be to heed good advice that may point to the fact that this isnt really such a good idea. Do as much research online as you can by reading what experts have to say and participating in forums. If your idea is something you can sell you can view what that product is selling for on ebay and how much demand there is. You can even make your own ebay post to see what price you can get for your item and if its going to sell well. Remember that your ability to sell will be directly related to supply versus demand.