Anyone can start a business


In todays world of infinite free information ANYONE can start a business. There is so much information online that you can literally find anything you need. Im amazed each day by the number of people who come onto my companies live support service to ask basic questions that they could easily find online. I think our schools have failed us as students by not teaching us how to find the information we need. Isnt it more important to know how to find the information you need rather then memorizing information? The web is a wealth of information and if you know where to look you can find the information you need.

Like millions of other Americans I run my business from my home. This is my second business, the first one did not succeed but along the way in the first business I learned valuable lessons and even came up with the idea that eventually led to the now successfull You cannot be afraid to try, the experience and knowledge gained from an unsuccessfull venture can lead to other excellent ideas for new businesses. If you arent sure if the new business will work or not keep your current job and work on the new business on weekends and at night. Initially if you keep your costs low you can take as long as you need to develop the business and learn along the way as you go.